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VCSSL Code Archive

Welcome to the VCSSL Code Archive!
Here we are destributing various programs with commentary articles explaining algorithms, background knowladge, and so on.

Programs in this code archive are written in the VCSSL or the Vnano (subset of the VCSSL). The runtime envionment of the VCSSL&Vnano (available on various OSes, e.g.: Microsoft Windows®, Linux, etc.) is bundled in the destributed packages, so you can execute programs downloaded from here very easily.

The VCSSL/Vnano has a simple C-like syntax, so destributed programs in this code archive might be useful as a kind of example code of algorithms, when you implement it in C, C++, or other programming languages having C-like syntax. Each code of the program in this archive is basically (check each article for details) destributed under CC0, so you can customize / divert / redistribute them freely.

New Programs

The list of newly archived programs.

Circular Wave Animation

Draws the circular wave as 3D animation, under the specified wave parameters.
Sine Wave Animation

Draws the sine wave as animation, under the specified wave parameters.
Tool For Converting Units of Angles: Degrees and Radians

A GUI tool for converting the angle in degrees into radians, or radians into degrees.
Fizz Buzz Program

A program printing the correct result of Fizz Buzz game.


The list of scientific simulations.

Circular Wave Animation

Draws the circular wave as 3D animation, under the specified wave parameters.
Sine Wave Animation

Draws the sine wave as animation, under the specified wave parameters.
Vnano | Solve The Lorenz Equations Numerically

Solve the Lorenz equations, and output data to plot the solution curve (well-known as the "Lorenz Attractor") on a 3D graph.

Numerical Calculations and Algorithms

The list of numerical calculations, and example code of algorithms for them.

Tool For Converting Units of Angles: Degrees and Radians

A GUI tool for converting the angle in degrees into radians, or radians into degrees.
Fizz Buzz Program

A program printing the correct result of Fizz Buzz game.
Vnano | Output Data of Numerical Integration For Plotting Graph

Example code computing integrated values numerically, and output data for plotting the integrated functions into graphs.
Vnano | Compute Integral Value Numerically

Example code computing integral values numerically by using rectangular method, trapezoidal method, and Simpson's rule.

Programs For Plotting Graphs

The list of programs plotting graphs, and programs outputting data for plotting graphs.

3D Graph Plotting Tool for Animating Data Loaded from Multiple Files

A simple tool which plots 3D animation graphs by loading multiple data files.
2D Graph Plotting Tool for Animating Data Loaded from Multiple Files

A simple tool which plots 2D animation graphs by loading multiple data files.
3D Graph Tool for Plotting & Animating Expressions of the Form of "z = f(x,y,t)"

A simple tool which plots the expression (formula) of the form of "z = f(x,y,t)" to the 3D graph, and plays it as animation.
2D Graph Tool for Plotting & Animating Expressions of the Form of "y = f(x,t)"

A simple tool which plots the expression (formula) of the form of "y = f(x,t)" to the 2D graph, and plays it as animation.
3D Graph Tool for Plotting & Animating Parametric Expressions of the Form of x(t), y(t), z(t)

A simple tool which plots parametric expressions (formulas) of the form of x(t), y(t), z(t) to the 3D graph, and plays it as animation.
2D Graph Tool for Plotting & Animating Parametric Expressions of the Form of x(t) and y(t)

A simple tool which plots parametric expressions (formulas) of the form of x(t) and y(t) to the 2D graph, and plays it as animation.
3D Graph Tool for Plotting Expressions of the Form of "z = f(x,y)"

A simple tool which plots the expression (formula) of the form of "z = f(x,y)" to the 3D graph.
2D Graph Tool for Plotting Expressions of the Form of "y = f(x)"

A simple tool which plots the expression (formula) of the form of "y = f(x)" to the 2D graph.


The list of programs written in the Vnano. These programs are available on applications equipped with the script engine of the Vnano, e.g.: RINPn.

Fizz Buzz Program

A program printing the correct result of Fizz Buzz game.
Vnano | Solve The Lorenz Equations Numerically

Solve the Lorenz equations, and output data to plot the solution curve (well-known as the "Lorenz Attractor") on a 3D graph.
Vnano | Compute Integral Value Numerically

Example code computing integral values numerically by using rectangular method, trapezoidal method, and Simpson's rule.
Vnano | Output Data of Numerical Integration For Plotting Graph

Example code computing integrated values numerically, and output data for plotting the integrated functions into graphs.

Japanese English
3D Graph Plotting Tool for Animating Data Loaded from Multiple Files

A simple tool which plots 3D animation graphs by loading multiple data files.
2D Graph Plotting Tool for Animating Data Loaded from Multiple Files

A simple tool which plots 2D animation graphs by loading multiple data files.
3D Graph Tool for Plotting & Animating Expressions of the Form of "z = f(x,y,t)"

A simple tool which plots the expression (formula) of the form of "z = f(x,y,t)" to the 3D graph, and plays it as animation.
2D Graph Tool for Plotting & Animating Expressions of the Form of "y = f(x,t)"

A simple tool which plots the expression (formula) of the form of "y = f(x,t)" to the 2D graph, and plays it as animation.
3D Graph Tool for Plotting & Animating Parametric Expressions of the Form of x(t), y(t), z(t)

A simple tool which plots parametric expressions (formulas) of the form of x(t), y(t), z(t) to the 3D graph, and plays it as animation.
2D Graph Tool for Plotting & Animating Parametric Expressions of the Form of x(t) and y(t)

A simple tool which plots parametric expressions (formulas) of the form of x(t) and y(t) to the 2D graph, and plays it as animation.
3D Graph Tool for Plotting Expressions of the Form of "z = f(x,y)"

A simple tool which plots the expression (formula) of the form of "z = f(x,y)" to the 3D graph.
2D Graph Tool for Plotting Expressions of the Form of "y = f(x)"

A simple tool which plots the expression (formula) of the form of "y = f(x)" to the 2D graph.
* VCSSL is developed by RINEARN.

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Scripting Engine Vnano Ver.1.1 Released: Dramatic Speed Improvement for Repetitive Executions of the Same Content
2023-12-22 - Released the Vnano script engine Ver.1.1. In this version, we've made significant enhancements in processing speed by reducing the overhead of handling requests. Explains the details.

RINEARN Graph 3D Updated and Next Version (Ver.6) Development Has Begun!
2023-09-04 - We have released RINEARN Graph 3D Ver.5.6.34. In addition, we have initiated the development of the next major version, Ver.6! Details inside.

Commitment to Significantly Expand English Documentation with AI Assistance - Presenting a Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Actual Workflow
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Update to RINEARN Graph 3D: Enhanced API-related Features and More
2023-05-18 - We recently released the latest version of RINEARN Graph 3D, Ver.5.6.32. Explains the details of this update.

Updated Contents
Circular Wave Animation

Draws the circular wave as 3D animation, under the specified wave parameters.
Sine Wave Animation

Draws the sine wave as animation, under the specified wave parameters.
Tool For Converting Units of Angles: Degrees and Radians

A GUI tool for converting the angle in degrees into radians, or radians into degrees.
Connector Fatal Exception - Specification
The unchecked exception thrown when errors have occurred, caused by incorrect implementations (might be bugs).
Connector Exception - Specification
The checked exception thrown when errors have occurred, cause by expected normal problems.