Japanese English

Programming Language VCSSL Official Website

Welcome to the official website of VCSSL! On this site, we provide a free-to-use execution environment, various documents, and code written in VCSSL.


What is VCSSL?

VCSSL is a C-like scripting language suitable for relatively lightweight computational and visualization tasks, as well as creating small GUI tools. It is also a standard control language in 3D graph software such as "RINIA Graph 3D".

» Learn More! - What is VCSSL?


We provide official documentation, including programming guides, at the following link.

Note: The original version of the documentation is written in Japanese, and we are currently in the process of gradually translating it into English.

[English Docs]

Syntax Guide
An introductory guide for experienced programmers.

[Japanese Docs]

Startup Guide
An introductory guide for beginners to programming.
Syntax Guide
An introductory guide for experienced programmers.
Instant Guide
A concise guide for experienced C language programmers to use on the fly.
GUI Development Guide
A guide for handling GUI elements such as buttons and input fields.
2D CG Development Guide
A guide for using 2D drawing features.
3D CG Development Guide
A guide for using 3D drawing features.

» View All Documentation


The specifications for the standard libraries are available here.

Note: these specifications have not yet been translated into English. Therefore, links to the Japanese documents are provided here.
System Library
Provides commonly used fundamental functionalities.
Math Library
Offers various mathematical functions.
GUI Library
Provides functionality for generating, placing, and controlling GUI components.
Graphics2D Library
Offers 2D drawing capabilities.
Graphics3D Library
Provides 3D drawing capabilities.
Graphics2DFramework Library
A framework for easily creating programs that perform 2D drawing.
Graphics3DFramework Library
A framework for easily creating programs that perform 3D drawing.

» List of all Standard Libraries

Code Archive

Various codes written in VCSSL are published with detailed explanatory articles.

Circular Wave Animation

Draws the circular wave as 3D animation, under the specified wave parameters.
Sine Wave Animation

Draws the sine wave as animation, under the specified wave parameters.
Tool For Converting Units of Angles: Degrees and Radians

A GUI tool for converting the angle in degrees into radians, or radians into degrees.
Vnano | Compute Integral Value Numerically

Example code computing integral values numerically by using rectangular method, trapezoidal method, and Simpson's rule.
Vnano | Output Data of Numerical Integration For Plotting Graph

Example code computing integrated values numerically, and output data for plotting the integrated functions into graphs.

» Explore Other Codes

Also Embeddable in Applications: Vnano

We have also developed and released a small scripting engine "Vnano" that can be embedded and used within Java applications. You can run VCSSL's subset language as a script processing feature within your application.

» Learn More!

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Japanese English

Software Updates: Command Expansion in RINEARN Graph, and English Support in VCSSL
2024/02/05 - We updated our apps. This updates include "Enhancing the Command-Line Features of RINEARN Graph" and "Adding English Support to VCSSL." Delves into each of them!

Inside the Repetitive Execution Speedup Impremented in Vnano Ver.1.1
2024/01/17 - Delves into the update in Vnano 1.1 from a developer's viewpoint, providing detailed insights into the specific improvements made to the internal structure of the script engine.

Scripting Engine Vnano Ver.1.1 Released: Dramatic Speed Improvement for Repetitive Executions of the Same Content
2023/12/22 - Released the Vnano script engine Ver.1.1. In this version, we've made significant enhancements in processing speed by reducing the overhead of handling requests. Explains the details.

Updated Contents
Circular Wave Animation

Draws the circular wave as 3D animation, under the specified wave parameters.
Sine Wave Animation

Draws the sine wave as animation, under the specified wave parameters.
Tool For Converting Units of Angles: Degrees and Radians

A GUI tool for converting the angle in degrees into radians, or radians into degrees.
Connector Fatal Exception - Specification
The unchecked exception thrown when errors have occurred, caused by incorrect implementations (might be bugs).
Connector Exception - Specification
The checked exception thrown when errors have occurred, cause by expected normal problems.