Specification Document


ConnectorException is a checked Exception class thrown when errors have occurred, cause by expected normal problems (excluding bugs of implementations), such as an access failure to a file.

If the error is caused by incorrect implementations (bugs and so on) of plug-ins or scripting engines, throw ConnectorFatalException instead, which is an unchecked Exception.


The status of this class is "EXTENSION ONLY".

Existing fields/methods/constructors will not be deleted in principle, but new fields/methods/constructors will be able to be added in future.
Also, only when an unavoidable problem has been discovered, a field/method/constructor might be deleted, after a period of the "deprecated" status.

This class is currently supported by the scripting engine of Vnano. You can use this interface for development of plug-ins of applications equipped with the Vnano engine.


This class is published under CC0, which is almost the same as the so-called "copyright-free" (domain).

List of Constractors/Fields/Methods

Creates a ConnectorException having no error message.
ConnectorException(String errorMessage)
Creates a ConnectorException having the specified error message.
ConnectorException(Throwable wrappedThrowable)
Creates a ConnectorException wrapping the specified Throwable.
ConnectorException(String errorMessage, Throwable wrappedThrowable)
Creates a ConnectorException having the specified error message, and wrapping the specified Throwable.


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Name ConnectorException
Signature ConnectorException()
Description Creates a ConnectorException having no error message.
Parameters None
Return The created ConnectorException.
Exception None
Name ConnectorException
Signature ConnectorException(String errorMessage)
Description Creates a ConnectorException having the specified error message.
Parameters errorMessage: The error message.
Return The created ConnectorException.
Exception None
Name ConnectorException
Signature ConnectorException(Throwable wrappedThrowable)
Description Creates a ConnectorException having the specified error message.
Parameters wrappedThrowable: The throwable of the cause, to be wrapped by the created ConnectorException.
Return The created ConnectorException.
Exception None
Name ConnectorException
Signature ConnectorException(String errorMessage, Throwable wrappedThrowable)
Description Creates a ConnectorException having the specified error message, and wrapping the specified Throwable.
Parameters errorMessage: The error message.
wrappedThrowable: The throwable of the cause, to be wrapped by the created ConnectorException.
Return The created ConnectorException.
Exception None


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