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This section deals with the concept of variables, a fundamental aspect of programming.

What are variables?

In the world of programming, values used in calculations are generally stored in "variables."

Variables are like containers for storing values. In other words, values are stored inside variables, and these values can be read or written as needed.

Declaration of Variables

To use variables, you first need to declare them. Declarations are made as follows:

data_type variable_name ;

We'll discuss data types later, but for now, you can think of them as types of containers. Variable names are freely assigned names for variables. For example:

This creates a variable of the string type (a type that handles character-strings) named "s." Running this program doesn't perform any action as it only prepares the variable without processing.

Now, let's assign a value to the variable "s." Please try running the following program:

- Execution Result -

Good Morning !

When you run the above program, "Good Morning!" is displayed on the VCSSL console.

In other words, the content to be displayed by the print function was passed by the variable "s." The print function, after receiving "s," reads the value inside it and displays it on the VCSSL console.

Variable Assignment

In the above explanation, you see the "=" (equal) symbol. This symbol doesn't mean equal in a mathematical sense but signifies "assigning a value to a variable."

To explain further, it means "assigning the value on the right side of the equal sign to the variable on the left side." The assignment is always done from right to left.

Variable Initialization

The first assignment of a value to a declared variable is generally called "initializing the variable."

Uninitialized variables may not function properly. When declaring a variable, make sure to initialize it before using it.

Simultaneous Declaration and Initialization

You can declare and initialize variables simultaneously as follows:

- Execution Result -

Good Morning !

This method not only saves lines but also prevents forgetting to initialize variables.

Declaring Multiple Variables in One Line

If the variable types are the same, it is possible to declare multiple variables in one line as follows:

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Japanese English

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