External Namespace Connector Interface 1 (XNCI1)
Specification Document


External Namespace Connector Interface 1 (XNCI1) is an interface (abbreviated as XNCI1) for implementing namespace plug-ins which provides multiple functions and variables available in scripts.


The status of this interface is "FINALIZED".

The specification of this interface had been finalized at 2022/08/31. No modifications will be applied for this interface, excluding documents/comments.

This interface is currently supported by the scripting engine of Vnano. You can use this interface for development of plug-ins of applications equipped with the Vnano engine.


This interface is published under CC0, which is almost the same as the so-called "copyright-free" (domain).

List of Fields/Methods

The type ID of this interface (value: "XNCI") referred when the plug-in will be loaded.
The generation of this interface (value: "1").
String getNamespaceName()
Gets the name of this namespace.
boolean isMandatoryToAccessMembers()
Returns whether it is mandatory to specify of this namespace explicitly when accessing member functions/variables.
ExternalFunctionConnectorInterface1[] getFunctions()
Gets all functions belong to this namespace.
ExternalVariableConnectorInterface1[] getVariables()
Gets all variables belong to this namespace.
ExternalStructConnectorInterface1[] getStructs()
Gets all structs belong to this namespace.
Class<?> getEngineConnectorClass()
Gets the instance of "Class" class, representing the interface or the class of the engine connector, which is an object for communicating with the scripting engine.
void preInitializeForConnection(Object engineConnector)
Performs the pre-initialization process necessary when this plug-in is connected to the script engine.
void postInitializeForConnection(Object engineConnector)
Performs the post-initialization process necessary when this plug-in is connected to the script engine.
void preFinalizeForDisconnection(Object engineConnector)
Performs the pre-finalization process necessary when this plug-in is disconnected from the script engine.
void postFinalizeForDisconnection(Object engineConnector)
Performs the post-finalization process necessary when this plug-in is disconnected from the script engine.
void preInitializeForExecution(Object engineConnector)
Performs the pre-initialization process necessary for each execution of a script.
void postInitializeForExecution(Object engineConnector)
Performs the post-initialization process necessary for each execution of a script.
void preFinalizeForTermination(Object engineConnector)
Performs the pre-finalization process necessary for each execution of a script.
void postFinalizeForTermination(Object engineConnector)
Performs the post-finalization process necessary for each execution of a script.


Value The type ID of this interface (value: "XNCI") referred when the plug-in will be loaded.
Type static final String
Value The generation of this interface (value: "1").
Type static final String


Name getNamespaceName
Signature String getNamespaceName()
Description Gets the name of this namespace.
Parameters None
Return The name of this namespace.
Exception None
Name isMandatoryToAccessMembers
Signature boolean isMandatoryToAccessMembers()

Returns whether it is mandatory to specify of this namespace explicitly when accessing member functions/variables.

This feature may be ignored on the script engine which does not support it.

Parameters None
Return Returns true if this namespace is mandatory to be specified to access members.
Exception None
Name getFunctions
Signature ExternalFunctionConnectorInterface1[] getFunctions()
Description Gets all functions belong to this namespace.
Parameters None
Return The array storing all functions belong to this namespace.
Exception None
Name getVariables
Signature ExternalVariableConnectorInterface1[] getVariables()
Description Gets all variables belong to this namespace.
Parameters None
Return The array storing all variables belong to this namespace.
Exception None
Name getVariables
Signature ExternalStructConnectorInterface1[] getStructs()

Gets all structs belong to this namespace.

However, the specification of ExternalStructConnectorInterface1 (XSCI1) has not been determined yet, so as for now, the content of the XSCI1's interface file is almost empty.

Hence, at least now, this method has no meanings so it always returns (should be implemented to return) an empty array. This method will be available after when XSCI1's specification is determined.

Parameters None
Return The array storing all structs belong to this namespace.
Exception None
Name getEngineConnectorClass
Signature Class<?> getEngineConnectorClass()

Returns the instance of "Class" class, representing the interface or the class of the engine connector, which is an object for communicating with the scripting engine.

The instance of the specified interface/class by this method will be passed to the argument of initialization/finalization methods, e.g.: preInitializeForConnection(Object engineConnector).

What type of interfaces are available depend on the implementation of the scripting engine, but at least, ECI1 is guaranteed to be available by the specification of XNCI1.

Parameters None
Return The Class representing the interface/class for communicating with the scripting engine.
Exception None
Name preInitializeForConnection
Signature void preInitializeForConnection(Object engineConnector) throws ConnectorException

Performs the pre-initialization process necessary when this plug-in is connected to the script engine.

On this interface, two connection-initialization (pre- and post-) processes can be implemented. This process (pre-) will be performed before when all member variables/functions are initialized.

Parameters engineConnector: The engine connector (see: getEngineConnectorClass() method).
Return None
Exception ConnectorException: Thrown when the initialization has failed.
Name postInitializeForConnection
Signature void postInitializeForConnection(Object engineConnector) throws ConnectorException

Performs the post-initialization process necessary when this plug-in is connected to the script engine.

On this interface, two connection-initialization (pre- and post-) processes can be implemented. This process (post-) will be performed after when all member variables/functions are initialized.

Parameters engineConnector: The engine connector (see: getEngineConnectorClass() method).
Return None
Exception ConnectorException: Thrown when the initialization has failed.
Name preFinalizeForDisconnection
Signature void preFinalizeForDisconnection(Object engineConnector) throws ConnectorException

Performs the pre-finalization process necessary when this plug-in is disconnected from the script engine.

On this interface, two connection-finalization (pre- and post-) processes can be implemented. This process (pre-) will be performed before when all member variables/functions are finalized.

Parameters engineConnector: The engine connector (see: getEngineConnectorClass() method).
Return None
Exception ConnectorException: Thrown when the finalization has failed.
Name postFinalizeForDisconnection
Signature void postFinalizeForDisconnection(Object engineConnector) throws ConnectorException

Performs the post-finalization process necessary when this plug-in is disconnected from the script engine.

On this interface, two connection-finalization (pre- and post-) processes can be implemented. This process (post-) will be performed after when all member variables/functions are finalized.

Parameters engineConnector: The engine connector (see: getEngineConnectorClass() method).
Return None
Exception ConnectorException: Thrown when the finalization has failed.
Name preInitializeForExecution
Signature void preInitializeForExecution(Object engineConnector) throws ConnectorException

Performs the pre-initialization process necessary for each execution of a script.

On this interface, two execution-initialization (pre- and post-) processes can be implemented. This process (pre-) will be performed before when all member variables/functions are initialized.

Parameters engineConnector: The engine connector (see: getEngineConnectorClass() method).
Return None
Exception ConnectorException: Thrown when the initialization has failed.
Name postInitializeForExecution
Signature void postInitializeForExecution(Object engineConnector) throws ConnectorException

Performs the post-initialization process necessary for each execution of a script.

On this interface, two execution-initialization (pre- and post-) processes can be implemented. This process (post-) will be performed after when all member variables/functions are initialized.

Parameters engineConnector: The engine connector (see: getEngineConnectorClass() method).
Return None
Exception ConnectorException: Thrown when the initialization has failed.
Name preFinalizeForTermination
Signature void preFinalizeForTermination(Object engineConnector) throws ConnectorException

Performs the pre-finalization process necessary for each execution of a script.

On this interface, two execution-finalization (pre- and post-) processes can be implemented. This process (pre-) will be performed before when all member variables/functions are finalized.

Parameters engineConnector: The engine connector (see: getEngineConnectorClass() method).
Return None
Exception ConnectorException: Thrown when the finalization has failed.
Name postFinalizeForTermination
Signature void postFinalizeForTermination(Object engineConnector) throws ConnectorException

Performs the post-finalization process necessary for each execution of a script.

On this interface, two execution-finalization (pre- and post-) processes can be implemented. This process (post-) will be performed after when all member variables/functions are finalized.

Parameters engineConnector: The engine connector (see: getEngineConnectorClass() method).
Return None
Exception ConnectorException: Thrown when the finalization has failed.